Friday, October 15, 2010


In the murky lake,
I see a beautiful swan,
it is clear to me.

-Zarina Zondon

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


A good friend is a gem,
A treasure trove of life and love.

-Elaine Sales

Angel in Black

Life gives us lemons,
Pushing through the pain,
And seeing the new day,
The light in the dark,
My Angel in Black.

-Dena Ziemba


Peace is just a word,
When I talk to you I feel it,
Peace isn't just 2 fingers.

-Britny Miller

Joker #2

Asylum doors are open,
You are good enough to eat,
Fill the churches with dirty thoughts.

-Mike Rizzo


Neighbors for years,
We will always have a bond,
Friends forever.

Kenny Testa

The Sage

Life teaches us lessons,
There's a sage to guide us,
Compassion and strength.

-Dave Long

Monday, October 11, 2010


In life's downward march,
You make life worth living,
Because you dance to the beat,
Of a different song,
And I like that.

-Lissette Rodriguez


They think you bring death,
You make winter turn to spring,
A good sign for me.

-Jenn Meyer

Cherry Blossom

From winter to spring,
Life through the falling blossoms,
Always worth the wait.

-Alayna Elia


He goes his own way,
A heart as big as an oarfish,
Everything is good.

-Joseph Pierro

Value and Veracity

There is more than flesh,
Power over Ignorance,
You showed me the bars.

-Christian Tidona


Nothing gold can stay,
I do not think that is right,
You are always here.

-Matthew Apploff

Princess Frog

Lovely underneath,
A princess incognito,
Amazing throughout.

-Jessica Rossi

The Bear

Life never passes by,
At peace in hibernation,
Mellow as can be.

-Patrick Leccese

Kitten in the Corner

Cute little kitten in the corner,
Say hi and she shies away,
Say good bye,
And she starts to cry.

Kitty in the corner,
Why did you lose your mittens,
It is only fall after all,
and your paws will get cold.

Kitten in the corner,
You are a good friend,
You make that corner,
Just a little bit brighter.

-Delanie Leyden

Sunday, October 10, 2010


There may be cookies,
There is sweetness to be found,
In a lonely heart.

-Samantha Carey


Candy sweet gumdrop,
Can always make me smile,
She is much more too.

-Jill Stefanski

Fox and the Hound

Life in the forest.
Water is thicker than blood,
The Fox and the Hound.

-Evan Rosencranz

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Light the menorah,
Connected by Jehovah,
I'll save you a cent.

-Justin Harrison

I Made You Bleed Your Own Blood

I will draw a heart for you,
From the blood,
The blood I made you bleed.

It's not emo,
Because it's love,
And your blood not mine.


Golden Afternoon

A beautiful flower,
In the Golden Afternoon,
Always makes me glad.

-Sara McKenna


Two trees intertwined,
Deep down beneath the soil,
Sharing life and love.

-Jessica Caulfield


We may think different,
And Israel is never wrong,
But we're always cool.


A weeping willow,
I will save you from the storm,
So you may stand strong.

-Audra Adler

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Oasis

The oasis in the desolate desert,
Thriving like a hearty cedar.

My cup overfloweth,
I am truly blessed.

My Rock,
In Whom There is No Flaw.

-Randi Fischer

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Running Over

Of All the People

The moon to my shine,
The light to my dreadful darkness,
The life to my death.

Of all the people,
I was blessed to meet you here,
Of all the places.

Your love brings me life,
I hope I can give it back.

-Erica Wilkey

Sweetness Poem #2

Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
Your name is Sarah,
And you're pretty cool.

-Sarah Cassim

Sweetness Poem #1

Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
Your name is Liz,
And I cheated off your quiz.

-Elizabeth Chalmers

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

The River Moses

Here I am waiting,
The River's on fire,
Flowing down to the edge of time.

I could take a bath,
Or sail a ship,
I could take a sip,
Or just walk away.

All I know is,
I have to feel this,
I have to feel the waves,
Maybe I'll just jump in.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Pit

A Peach,
Sweet to Savor,
Sweet as can be,
Down to the pit.

It's a revelation,
When life gives you lemons,
But all you ever want,
Is a simple, sweet peach.

I am but an apple,
But she is just a peach,
Always and forever,
Lovely as life can be.
Gabby Soderman

Monday, February 1, 2010

We Belong

We belong to the light,
The light that binds us together,
That lifts me up,
Then pulls me under.

You can't begin to know,
How much you helped me grow,
I will be ok,
Knowing your looking down from a halo.

We belong to the life,
That leaves a scar,
On my heart,
When you're gone.

*This poem is dedicated to Dana Criscuolo's grandfather who recently passed. I hear he was a strong, good man, so I think this is a fitting tribute.