Saturday, March 17, 2012

Little Foxes

Once upon a time,
In a faraway wood,
Lived a noble young fox,
With a beautiful heart.

She had friends in the wood,
Squirrels and birds and rabbits and such,
All of them fine,
But her soul was not satisfied.

The grapes tasted sour,
The water tasted dull,
The flowers smelt stale,
Everything was yet it was not.

She said to her friends,
To the squirrels and the birds and the rabbits,
"I need to find my place in life,
I need to find who I am."

The fox left on her journey,
With nothing to her name,
But sunshine,
And her admirable will.

Crunch, Crackle.
Crackle, Crunch.

The fox runs through the forest,
Never looking back,
With every step,
A new memory created.

So she ran and ran,
Careless and free,
Enjoying her serendipity,
Until she happened upon a wolves' den.

The wolves stopped her in her tracks,
Wanted to know if she was food or friend,
She looked like a wolf,
Yet she did not.

The fox said she was an orange wolf,
From the other side of the wood,
Said her den was getting too big,
And wanted to join their pack.

She hunted and stalked,
And played with their cubs,
But her throat grew sore,
From howling every night.

She said to her friends,
To the wolves and baby cubs,
"I need to find my place in life,
I need to find who I am."

Krinkle, Crisp.
Crackle, Crunch.

The fox ran and ran,
Careless and free,
Enjoying her serendipity,
Until she happened upon a bear's cave.

The bear lived alone,
He was sweet and old,
Being partially blind,
He wanted to know if the fox was friend or foe.

The fox said she was an orange bear,
From the other side of the wood,
Said the fish was running out of the river,
And wanted to join his cave.

The fox and the bear,
Lived happily together,
Swimming and fishing,
Loving and learning.

One fateful night,
The old bear went to sleep,
The next day Death came,
And the old bear slept forevermore.


In her sadness,
The noble fox ran and ran,
Ran as fast as she could,
To avoid the terrible pain.

One day as she was running,
A young male fox came into view,
Minding his business,
Gathering some grapes.


The two foxes crashed into each other,
Rolling and tumbling,
Uncertain excitement,
Until they finally stopped.

She looked into his eyes,
And his unassuming smile,
Smiled her own,
And took his paw in her own.

The grapes taste sweet,
The water tastes fresh,
The flowers smell fragrant,
Everything Is.

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