Wednesday, June 29, 2011

North Star

Luminescent light,
Shining in my heart and soul,
Guides me to freedom.

Little Kitty

Little kitty in the corner,
Why'd you scratch the chair?
The furniture's ruined,
The room is a mess.
No cookie for you.

Pur Pur,
Meow Meow,
Meow Meow,
Pur Pur,

Ok ok,
Fine fine,
You get two cookies,
Why are you so cute?

Little kitty in the corner,
Why'd you miss the pan?
The bathroom smells,
The room is a mess,
No cookie for you.

Meow meow,
Pur pur,
Meow meow,
Pur pur.

Fine fine,
Ok ok,
You get three cookies,
Why are you so cute?

Little kitty in the corner,
Why'd you bite the vet on the ear?
You didn't get your shots,
He's gonna sue us for millions,
No cookie for you.

Meow meow,
Pur pur,
Meow meow,
Pur pur.

Fine fine,
Ok ok,
You get 4 cookies,
Not because you're cute,
Because I love you,
And the silly antics you do.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Night Life

Mississippi moon,
The river keeps on rolling,
Throughout the ages.

Grace without fail,
The crane moves delicately,
Step by wobbly step.

A promise given,
A gift wrapped through the ages,
Life begins anew.